Monday, October 10, 2011

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." -Corrie Ten Boom

Many have asked us lately "Is the adoption final yet?" We answer "No, not yet, moving forward though". However, to be honest it feels more like we are stuck in neutral, in the waiting phase. 

We were told several months back to be ready because September would push everything forward in a fast way. Well, September came and went, and we are still waiting to move forward. 

Waiting is hard, it is a BATTLE. 

Waiting has made me anxious.

But we wait, because HE is sovereign and in control. We remind ourselves that, "Having FAITH means having FAITH in His timing." So we fight, armed with the Lord's strength, to be patient in the waiting. 

We have experienced some sweet blessings in the waiting and we have learned some things in the waiting as well...

In waiting:
  • In waiting, this month marks ONE YEAR, 365 beautiful days of Caden living with us. 
  • In waiting, Caden told one of my friends, "Hey, you know I didn't grow in her (pointed to me) belly, right?...I grew in her heart."
  • In waiting, I hear "Mom" more than "Tam Tam" these days.
  • In waiting, I found these books in Caden's bed when I woke him up a couple of weeks ago...THIS made my heart leap for JOY! He DESIRES to seek the Lord!

  • In waiting, you have continued to bless us with your donations to Canvas of Faith so that when the time is here, we are READY and not waiting for financial reasons. 
  • In waiting, some have committed to monthly pledges until the canvas is full. Thank you!
  • In waiting, you have continued to love on us and some have told us they have committed to praying for our adoption daily in this long process. Thank you for lifting us up!
  • In waiting, we have have grown in our Faith and utter dependence on Him.
  • In waiting, we are learning what it truly means to "Trust & Obey" If God had showed us exactly what was ahead of us a year ago, we would've never had to really trust Him.
  • In waiting, we are learning to be content. Philippians 4:11 
  • In waiting, we are learning to not be anxious, but to just live the abundant life in the waiting. John 10:10 (If you know us well, you know this has been a big victory, Go God!)

I usually don't issue a challenge on my blog, but feel compelled to do so today. Do you find yourself waiting for something today? The devil uses FEAR but "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, sound mind, and of self control." 2 Timothy 1:7 In this time of waiting in your life, starve your FEAR with FAITH. In your season of waiting, may you GROW in faith as you depend on Him. 

"Continue to wait in hope...although the promise may linger, it will never come too late." -Spurgeon

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." -Psalm 37:7